Presentation and Fitness Skills with Jammin’ Andy

Yesterday Primary 6/7 (and Greenrigg Primary 7s) worked with Andy McKechnie all day on speaking in public.  He taught the pupils some drills on how to help project their voice, speak at a steady pace and add expression to their voices.

Pupils used these skills to teach the other classes a dance/fitness routine (with the help of Andy).  There was then a showcase where the classes showed each other what they had learned.

Pupils from all classes enjoyed working with Andy.  Primary 6/7 pupils gained confidence through the event and the skills will help them when they come to present their individual c

lass talks and with the Summer Show.

Here are a few pictures from yesterday:

IMG_0168 IMG_0169 IMG_0172 IMG_0173 IMG_0175 IMG_0188 IMG_0189 IMG_0190 IMG_0191 IMG_0194 IMG_0195 IMG_0196 IMG_0198 IMG_0200


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