Busy! Busy! Busy!

Our first week back has been really busy with lots of fun things to do. We enjoyed doing mental maths with Mrs Gardinier, then we went to the gym hall for Judo. We were doing Judo with Marv from Destination Judo.

” I enjoyed doing Judo with Marv, he was funny.” – Leah

“We were doing break falls with Marv. We slapped our hands on the floor to make a loud sound! We got to throw our partners too ” -Phoebe.

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Baby Allie also came to visit us for Roots of Empathy. We haven’t seen her since November! She has grown a lot! She can sit by herself now, and she was paying lots of attention to us. She was looking right at us and smiling. She even waved to us! It is good to see Allie reach her ‘milestones’ and the difference it makes to her. She is teaching us lots of things! What a good teacher she is!!

” Baby Allie was awake for the whole time she was with us. She was laughing and playing with her doll! She can pick up things and hold them by herself now.” – Katie

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