Rolling and Cycling

Roots of Empathy this week was a visit from Allie and her Mum. She was laughing with us this week. Every time Allie comes there is something different about her and she can do something new. At last she can roll over, but she wouldn’t do it for us. She has more hair now and pays us a lot more attention to us rather than just her toys.

“Baby Allie looked at me and started laughing” – Katie

In Science we are learning about food chains and food webs as part of our Topic about islands. We made food chains from pictures we had. Some were short but others had more steps in them.

“We learned that Food Chains are a cycle that can never stop and are very important for balancing life” – Brodie

Our week finished with World Book Day, we were allowed to come to school in our pyjamas. We also had to bring in our favourite book to tell the others about it and explain why it is our favourite

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