Baby Allie visits

We all really enjoyed Roots of Empathy this week because Baby Allie visited with her Mum. We haven’t seen her since November, so we were excited to see if she had changed. She had!! She is much bigger now.  When Allie was put on her mat, she tried to roll over by herself but she didn’t quite manage it. We all really loved seeing Allie, she made us all smile and she was smiling too!

“I like watching Allie playing with her toys, she is more interested in them now” – Katie

“I was surprised at how much bigger she was and at the new things she was trying. She is able to hold things now and is starting to grab for things.” – Hannah

“Last time Allie was here when she was on her mat she didn’t do much but this time she tried to roll over. It was funny, she only rolled half way, she got stuck on her hip. I think she’ll do it the next time we see her.” – Eve

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