A New Year in P1/2

Primary 1/2 have jumped straight back into their learning after the Christmas holidays.  We are beginning a brand new project all about ‘Pirates’ and have listened to a story called ‘The Pirates Next Door’.  We will be using this story to help us learn all about Pirates over the next term.

One of the characters from the story is called Jim Lad.  On Thursday, we all wrote a letter to Jim Lad to tell him about ourselves.

“I liked writing about what I like to play. I was really good at reading my story to the rest of the class.” – Michael

“I liked drawing my pictures in the plan for my letter.” – Aiden

“I enjoyed doing my plan and writing my letter.” – Darryl

We also learned about two different types of pirate ship.  We were able to label the different parts of the ship.  We are excited because we are going to be making our own model pirate ships.

In Maths, we have been learning about ‘Time’.  Primary 1 have been learning ‘o’clock’ times and Primary 2 have been learning how to tell o’clock and half past times on an analogue and digital clock.

“I have enjoyed learning about half past” – Jack

“I enjoyed learning about digital clocks” – Michael

“I liked playing the games about Time because they help us learn more about Time” – Alesha

“I liked playing the Class Clock game.  Mrs Sibbald was trying to beat us but she didn’t and we won all the points” – Alex

“I liked learning about o’clock times” – Jordan

“I liked learning about o’clock and half past times on an analogue and digital clock” – Aiden


We are also very lucky this term to have two new people working in our class.  Mrs Lind and Miss Eunson have been helping us with our learning.

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