P1/2 Literacy and Numeracy

Primary 1/2 have been very busy over the last few weeks learning lots of new sounds and developing their skills in numeracy.

Everyone has been working hard in Vowel House with their Literacy work.  P1 have been learning to say, recognise, write and use the letters ‘m’, ‘c’, ‘s’ and ‘p’.  P2’s have been learning about the ‘ee’ and ‘oo’ sound and another group in P2 have been introduced to the trickier ‘ai’ and ‘oa’ sounds.  Well done everyone.

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Number work has been very exciting.  P1 have been working hard to learn numbers to 10 and have been doing lots of different activities with Mrs Gardinier.

P2’s have been working with numbers to 20 and have had to order these numbers forwards and backwards, carry out addition and subtraction sums and recognise these numbers in various games.

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We have also been out collecting mini-beasts and recording the information we found in various ways, e.g. tally marks, dot patterns, pictures.  We then used the information gathered to learn about and create our own bar graphs.


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