P6/7 Achievements and Targets

During Reflection Time Primary 6/7 identified some fantastic things that they had learned or achieved this week and thought of some targets to work on next week.


1.  Drama.  We worked as a team to pull together power-points for our countries adverts.  We talked to others in our group and made decisions together. We will put our adverts up when they are finished.

2.  Pre-topic Discussion: We bounced ideas off each other to come up with what we knew about The Highland Clearances and some questions we would like answered.

3.  Focusing on our work: We have been keeping our heads down and not stopped working.  This makes us feel happy so we can move onto other things.  We feel fantastic and enjoy the feeling of being finished.  We feel confident.


1.  Get better/quieter when doing transitions between activities in class.

2.  Get better at finding information on the Internet when doing research.


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