Nurture Group @ The Hive

Stoneyburn Primary’s Nurture Group got up and running only four weeks ago, but already the boys and girls involved have been doing some fantastic work and are working so hard to develop strategies and skills in preparation for their move to the Academy.

A lot of work over the past few weeks has been done on setting up the Nurture Group so that it is a happy environment for all and so that the time spent in the group is purposeful and meaningful. The boys and girls have all worked hard to identify good choices that have to be made whilst at the group.

Currently, the group are working on a ‘Nurture Group Newsletter’ which will be sent home next week with the aim of giving you all a better understanding of the work of the Nurture Group. Please look out for this important newsletter and have a read so that you can see all the important work being carried out.

A page will be added to our school blog also, which the children will be responsible for updating regularly. More info to follow.

Thank you to everyone so far that has offered kind words of support and encouragement to the children involved; it means a lot to them and helps to keep them motivated and confident about the work they are doing.

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