Parents’ Questionnaire

As is our usual practice at this time of year, we ask parents to tell us what they think of our School Improvements this session. Every year we have to produce a School Improvement Plan which identifies the priorities we aim to work on throughout the session. We normally present the Standards and Quality Report (which evaluates the previous year’s School Improvement Plan) and the new session’s priorities at our Welcome Evening each September. To help us evaluate our School Improvement Plan, we consult with children, parents and staff as well as outside agencies and people associated with the school in other ways. This year, we have decided to tackle the questionnaire online. All you need to do to take part is click on the hyperlink below, fill in the online form and then submit it. The form will then be saved and we will be able to see it – rest assured, no-one else can see it. We hope as many of you as possible will take the opportunity to let us know what you think about our school – the questions aren’t limited to the School Improvement Plan priorities. Thanks in advance for taking the time to respond.

Parents’ Questionnaire

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