Summer Show Gets Under Way

This year’s Summer Show reflects this year’s big event in the UK – The Olympics – and has been specially written for our children by Mrs. Loosemore. The title of the show is ‘Lord of the Rings – Olympic that is …’ and, as well as providing an opportunity for our children to perform, it is written in such a way that the content relates very closely to the learning and teaching that will be going on throughout the school this term. Also, every child in every class is involved.

Auditions have now taken place and parts have been allocated, so now it’s on with the show – and the hard work!

Sam thinks the auditions are very competitive, while Liam was nervous while he waited to see if he had the part he wanted. Amy and Lisa think it’s a great idea to combine the show and the Olympics topics, while Lewis, Elle, Tylia, Rhianne, Cole and Jack think that it will be very emotiona,l as this will be their last chance to be involved in a show at Primary School. Keris is a bit worried about learning the moves. Never mind, Keris, you’ve got a whole 8 weeks – wait a minute! THERE’S ONLY 8 WEEKS TO GO!!!!!

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