Science and the Stage

One of the advantages of having a hi-tec lighting system available all year round is that it allows us to incorporate science into real-life situations. Today, our Primary 7 pupils will be learning about the intricacies of additive and subtractive colour mixing, the different types of lanterns commonly in use in stage lighting and how to use a lighting mixing board from Mr. David Patterson, the resident lighting engineer in Airdrie Arts Centre.

After receiving tuition, the children will have a chance to design a lighting sequence to be used in next week’s dance show. If the children are available to come along to, or are already taking part in the show, they will have the opportunity of presenting their work by operating the lighting desk to light one of the dances at the actual performance.

Exciting stuff. Don’t you wish you were back at school?  I mean Stoneyburn Primary School, of course!

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