Safer Internet Day 2012


Monday February 7th is this year’s Safer Internet Day. Each year, CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection) look to raise awareness of why it is important to use the internet safely.
In Stoneyburn, we are always looking for as many ways as possible to use the internet to enhance learning. We all love that education in the 21st century can be so wide reaching and that so much information can be found readily at our fingertips. The internet also provides us all with great opportunities to talk safely with other people all over the world at the click of a button. I certainly couldn’t have anticipated that schools would be like this as a pupil all those years ago!
With all of these rights it is important to remember we all have a responsibility to use the internet wisely AND safely. Pupils – don’t put yourself in danger online. Parents – get to know what your children are doing online and be vigilant. Social networking is, undoubtedly, a hugely successful and useful medium – but should children be accessing it? The golden rule from CEOP – and Stoneyburn PS – is safety first!

CEOP’s thinkyouknow site has games, videos and the best information on internet safety, lots of which we use in school. If you don’t know about it – get internet informed! Click on the link below for more information.

This week’s assemblies have an Internet flavour and we have set the children a challenge to find out what parent’s memories of computers as a child were. Please share these for Friday’s assembly!

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