Winter Ready


Your child may have come home from school lately with a ‘Winter Ready’ sticker attached to their person or their property. If they have recieved one of these stickers it means that:

1. They know their GLOW Login and Password;

2. They know how to access GLOW from school and home;

3. They know how to continue their learning using GLOW and other resources in the event of a school closure due to bad weather.

It is inevitable that, in the case of severe winter weather, our school will close. But, through GLOW (The Scottish Schools’ Intranet), it is possible to continue learning and teaching in the event if  a school closure if your child has access to a computer and the Internet.

It is really important that parents know how to engage their children with GLOW in the event of a school closure and, as such, we will offer Parent Workshops to make sure that parents too are ‘Winter Ready’ for when the poor weather arrives.  If you are interested in attending a parents’ workshop on continuing learning and teaching during school closures, then please leave a comment on our Blog, to let us know, and we can organise parent worshops to address this issue.

Of course, we hope there won’t be any school closures, but then again, do we really believe in the tooth fairy?

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