Pupil Voice Groups

A new initiative (fuelled by Curriculum for Excellence) is about to be launched at Stoneyburn Primary School. We have always had pupil groups who impact what we do and how we do it, but now we are taking the next step – EVERY pupil will have a voice as we go forward into this session. We have decided to extend opur Pupil Voice, so we have decided on having six pupil voice groups and every child will be involved in one or other of them. The groups were presented at Assembly on Tuesday, 25 October, and the children were asked to choose (from the list), which groups they would be interested in joining. The six choices were:

Eco Group

Health Group

Pupil Council

Communications Group

Transport Group

Playground and Golden Time Group.

We are pleased to report that every child  got either their 1st., 2nd. or 3rd. choice of group (we had to have some leeway or the groups would have been of unequal size and become unmanageable).

Monday sees the first meeting of our Pupil Voice Groups, where each will decide on how it will move its agenda forwad during the coming school year and what it hopes to achieve by June next year.

Please talk to your child about their involvement in our pupil voice groups and make sure that voice is heard. At Stoneyburn PS, we’ll be listening!

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