Purim Raps

We created our own raps about the Jewish festival of Purim.  They had to explain the main points of the Esther story as well as details of some of the ways Jewish people celebrate Purim.  We hope you enjoy listening to them as much as we enjoyed creating them!

Purim Rap – Liam, Tylia, Lisa & Lara

Purim Rap – Jack, Cole & Sam

Purim Rap – Lewis, Keris & Rhianne

Purim Rap – Amy, Vasi, Adele & Elle

4 thoughts on “Purim Raps”

  1. Primary 7, these raps are fantastic! I’d like to share them with some other schools who are interested in our Religious and Moral Education Programme. Would that be OK?

  2. Primary 7 we really enjoyed listening to your cool raps. The second we listened really helped us understand Purim. We also liked the instruments and the beat boxing in rap 3. The first rap also had lots of information and good beat boxing too. Well done from all of Room 14

  3. Hello Primary 7, have listened to your Purim raps. They’re really great and so informative. I’m sure that everyone will enjoy your work and performances. Well done.

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