Tag Archives: Reflection on practice

Knowing your ABCs is just as important in H&T

Raising Literacy within Health and Technology
Anne Keenan – Health and Wellbeing

As part of the department improvement plan to focus on the raising attainment we decided to focus on the opportunities to develop literacy skills in S1.  Pupils in S1 currently complete a Hygiene & Food Safety project.  Mary Gibson observed a series of lesson and identified several methods that teachers can use to improve the quality of learner feedback. 

Prior to this our feed back focused mainly on the subject contents and the presentation of their work.   Following Mary’s input we have been able to identify and implement several changes that will help pupils to set targets for improvements relevant to their own literacy needs.

Steps identified include:

  • Produce a standardised format illustrating how to compile a report
  • Encourage pupils to make use of H&T key words displayed throughout department to expand pupils’ vocabulary and comprehension
  • Set standardised comments to be used for pupil feedback by departmental staff
  • Lunchtime opportunities for pupils to discuss with staff their learning needs for completion of project

The opportunity to work closely with Mary has enabled the department to self-reflect on current practice, update approaches to ensure all pupils are receiving effective feedback and importantly having clear targets set.

Diabetes Workshop

Helen Powley, P.E. Department

This was a very informative CPD experience. We have many pupils in the school who have diabetes and we must be aware of their needs. The CPD went through the two differnt types of diabetes and how these can be controlled. Examples of the different pieces of equipment were there for staff to look at and try! The main message I took form the session was that it  is important for staff, parents and medical staff to work together to ensure the wellbeing of the pupil. NHS staff were keen to point out that staff and parents must contact them if they need support. There are a huge number of pupils in the lothian who have diabetes and few nurses, so if support is required we must ask.

If pupils are going away on a school trip I recommend that a meeting set up with parents, and if required NHS staff to ensure that the correct plan and resources are in place for the duration of a trip. For example, medication may need to be changed for a sports activity trip. Continue reading Diabetes Workshop

Assessment and Moderation – Key Messages

IS Day presentation by Catherine Kerr (PTC Science)

To be honest I’m not really an expert on the subject. As a starting point I walked about the school asking staff what their understanding of Assessment and Moderation was. The responses were really interesting as the teachers that I put on the spot (mainly un-promoted staff) all had very similar understandings, concerns, and misconceptions. My Assessment and Moderation presentation therefore focussed on the teachers at St. Margaret’s point of view and my hope was that it would build on what was already known as well as clarify some of the key messages from educational policy and best practice.

The information provided came from several sources including the Education Scotland website which provides lots of current information on Assessment and Moderation. In addition I accessed the National Assessment Resource (NAR). As a database I think the NAR is a bit of a let down but the search facility is useful. I searched for ‘sharing the standards’, which brought up different authorities examples of moderation some of which were excellent and used throughout my presentation. All of the information I thought staff might find useful has been placed in a ring binder for each curricular area.

Further useful links include:

Using CAT data effectively – Presentation

John Slavin Faculty Leader Raising Attainment

This was a brief introduction to how the CAT data that the school has for each pupil could be used to aid teaching and learning.

Initially, I explained that there are three batteries of tests: Verbal examples, Non-Verbal examples and Quantitative examples and briefly described examples of each. Pupil profiles are generated from this data and strengths / development needs can be identified.

Data for whole classes can be graphically represented in a Scatter graph to give a powerful visual interpretation of the results. The results can be analyzed with the help of the scatter diagram.

I have produced such scattergraphs for each class in S3/4 and will do likewise for S2 in time. If anyone is interested in looking at CAT data and how it can be used to highlight achievement / underachievement, Dr. Ben Doody and myself (John Slavin) are running a workshop on 07 September 2012. This will provide teachers with an opportunity to gain further experience of using this data and can hopefully aid the identification of the pupils’ needs.

Health and wellbeing – Values Workshop

Frank Quinn – Principal Teacher R.E. Department

This workshop combined several areas for development within the school: continuing work started by the Chaplaincy team on the school mission statement, highlighting some key values stressed in “This is our Faith” and the Experiences and Outcomes of Health & Wellbeing.

We wanted to raise awareness of the key values which lie at the heart of our School Mission Statement and which emanate through all areas of the school, especially the relationships between staff and the young people and between colleagues. The first part of the workshop, the scenario, was set up to encourage discussion over professional methods and the values which staff demonstrate. The second part of the workshop raised the awareness for all staff of the values expected of them as part of the St Margaret’s community.

The PowerPoint used in this workshop can be accessed here whilst the Mission Statement of St. Margaret’s Academy can be accessed here.

Learning Rounds Glow meet

Isla MacLennan (Social Subjects) explains the Learning Rounds model being piloted in the St Margaret’s Academy Cluster. St Margaret’s Academy already had an established program of Learning Rounds and it was hoped that by including the six associated primaries the cluster could foster greater links between primary and secondary practitioners, open up discussion and enhance transition links. In this GLOW meet Isla explains the project, the challenges she faced and the resulting impact on staff and pupils.  Click here and click on Sharing Practice Learning Rounds to watch the recorded Learning Rounds Glow meet.

Click here to watch the recorded Learning Rounds Glow meet.

Click here to watch the recorded Learning Rounds Glow meet.

Click here to watch the recorded Learning Rounds Glow meet.