Primary Two

Activities in the event of a school closure

Boys and girls I have put a range of activities onto the glow page to keep you busy in case of school closures.

You can:
Practice your addition and subtraction to 20 numberbonds.
You can check primary resources website for games and activities to play online.

Make a visit to the library and take out an interesting book to read.
Write about your favourite character and part of the book.
Practice spelling your key words in  an interesting way to share with the class.
Write a postcard to someone in another country telling them why they should come to Scotland.
Snow Activities
How many snowballs can you make in a minute?
Build a snowman and make sure it is symmetrical.
Draw a lovely Winter picture.
Can you make a snow angel.

Are you bored? Do you want to exercise your brain?
Here are a few fun but educational web sites to visit: (All areas of the curriculum) (Maths)

www.activityvillage (various activities)

7 thoughts on “Primary Two”

  1. hi P2 this is Eva Dallas I hope you enjoyed the Easter holidays im sorry that it is a bit late to say but yeah!

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