Primary Three

Hello boys and girls! On this page you will find a list of activities you could do in the event that the school is closed for severe weather conditions! Have fun with these activities and let me know which tasks you choose!

Practise your number sequences and number bonds. Can you count up in 2s, 5s, and 10s – make a number sequence with missing numbers for someone to complete!

Practise your times tables, perhaps and adult can quiz you!

Make a visit to the library and take out an interesting book that you can recommend to a friend once you have finished it.

Write a book review for your favourite book, if you need help with this just search for β€˜book reports’ on the internet and you will find lots of useful sites.

Invent a fun way to practice your spelling – be prepared to tell the class!

Experiment time! Why not create an experiment about your senses. Choose a range of objects, blindfold a friend or relative and investigate whether they can work out the objects just by using their sense of touch and smell. Got another idea for an experiment?! Write it down and bring it into school!

Pretend you are writing a letter to a friend who lives in another country. What places would you tell them to visit? What things would they do? Remember to put the address and date in the correct place.

Design a tourist poster for Scotland!

Practise learning your rights and responsibilities:
Some snow activities:
How many snow balls can you make in a minute?
Build a snowman and make sure you make its face symmetrical.
How many different 3D shapes can you make in the snow?
Draw a lovely winter picture.
Can you make a snow angel?

Are you bored? Do you want to exercise your brain?
Here are a few fun but educational web sites to visit:
Social Subjects:
Art and Design:

Using Glow for Fun
Why not access ‘Snow Days’ on Glow where you can take part in lots of exciting competitions and complete many fun and interesting tasks!

16 thoughts on “Primary Three”

  1. P.2 really enjoyed your assembly about reconciliation. We are looking forwrd to learning about that next year.

  2. Boys and girls – glad you enjoyed the Charlie and the Chocolate factory topic! I can’t wait to start our new one on ‘Scotland’ πŸ™‚

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