You can use the activities on GLOW to keep you busy while you are not at school!
Severe Weather
Here are some activities which could be completed in the event of a school closure due to severe weather.
>Write a letter to a friend or family member using your very best cursive handwriting.
>Trek to the library, open a library card (if you do not already have one) and take out some great novels to read at home and in class.
>Create a fun way of practicing your times tables which we could use in class.
>Experiment-place some food die with water in a cup and place a celery stick facing up in it. Observe how the water in transported up the stick.
>Find some facts about Scottish Independence today. Are there any developments?
>Talk to your parents/grandparents about your rights as a child.
>Create a poster to display one of your rights as a child.
>Create your own calendar or weekly planner and record some events in it.
>Create a unique snow sculpture, take a picture and bring it into school to upload to the blog.
>Fill a rubber glove with water and leave outside. Record how long the water takes to freeze then have fun with your ice hand!
Are you bored? Do you want to exercise your brain?
Here are a few fun but educational web sites to visit:
Social Subjects:
Art and Design:
Using Glow for Fun
Why not access ‘Snow Days’ on Glow where you can take part in lots of exciting competitions and complete many fun and interesting tasks!
I realy like my school and all my teachers I have had in st john the baptist primary school! I love my topic the rainforest I realy like it!Mrs Purdie is a lovely head teacher and I want her to stay here for EVER! I cant belive im nearly at the end of primary school! Its realy quick.
From Holly Smail:)
I really like Conor’s writing,it must have taken him ages!:D
i liked your assembly i know a little about the rain forest
I m going to try and make the ice hand It sounds so fun and creative I love make things!!! 🙂
Primary 5 is an awesome class because we get to do lots of fun activities including school camp. I am really excited about going away to camp with my classmates and my teacher, Mrs Brunton. From Thomas Lee
I have loved my school sins P.1 but P.5 is the best
I love being in p5 it’s amazing and I love our topicc
i really miss most of you…