This week we have been learning all about money and finance. We have learnt the difference between credits and debits and how theese affect Bank statements. We have used our skills in art and design to make representations of places to keep our money. We have learnt that we can pay with more than just cash, we learnt how to use credit cards, bank cards and vouchers. We wrote a diary about spending one million pounds! It’s more difficult than you think!
4th of October
On 2nd of October primary 7 and some parents were being trained by two men from lowport for CPR .We really enjoyed learning how to help someone who has had a heart attack.
4th October – P1T
We have had another busy week in Primary 1T. We have learned 2 new sounds a and t and are now starting to make words using our sounds! We are really enjoying our topic and have been learning about fire fighters and how they help us. Our favourite part was dressing up like a fire man in class and making fire pictures!
W.E: 4.9.13 P5
This week Primary 5 have been busy in maths, the circles have been lerning their 9 times table and the triangles have been learning their 3 & 4 times tables.
We have been designing shields for our topic and were discussing the qualities needed to make a good teacher. Come check out our display at the top of the stairs!
Credit Union Update
We now have nearly 80 children in the school saving with us. We would like to encourage even more to sign up – you can get application forms from Primary 6.
The Primary 6 children who applied for cashier and PR posts will be interviewed by Mrs Traynor and Miss McKenna next week. Good luck!
Slips have also been given out to all the children who save with the credit union to remind them to empty their piggy banks and bring in their money next Tuesday.
P6 – w/e 4.10.13
We have had a very busy week in Primary 6. Our characters from The Desperate Journey have now reached Glasgow after a harrowing journey to get there so we have been doing artwork based on the Glasgow skyline in the 1800s.
Division and fractions have been rounded up and we are looking forward to starting Money Fortnight on Monday. Our focus will be on saving, borrowing, finding the best offers and looking at credit cards, debit cards and bank statements.
4th of October
On monday we did Nycos with Mr.Bayne, Nycos is the natonal youth choir of Scotland. The children learned how to clap out beats of diffrent songs.
In maths we have been learning about hundreds,tens and units and the place value of numbers. We also wrote a story about a rabbit who escaped from school. In art we started to design and paint the castle wall in the classroom.
4th October 2013
Good morning everyone. We have had a super week here at St John’s. Our Eco assembly this morning reminded the children about the importance of saving energy. The Eco group are doing a fantastic job!
Some pupils also read out poetry to mark National Poetry Day. I would like to set you all a task! This will be to find a Scottish poem you like and be able to recite (say) it at the assembly on the 29th November. I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Primary 3 – 4th October 2013
Another busy week in primary 3! This week we have had some very interesting lessons about Our Lady. We learned about St Bernadette and Lourdes, we found this very interesting – we looked at the live link ‘Lourdes Grotto Live Web Cam’ if you have time google this and take a look! We have been working hard with our tables and trying hard to beat our Big Maths score! We have had a lot of fun with our topic this week making sweets and also painting our clay ones!