Snow Day Activities

Boys and girls, I have put a range of activities on to your glow page to keep you busy in case of school closures during the winter months!
Practise your times tables either write them down and ask a family member to quiz you, make up a fun way to learn them or use this link –
Make a visit to the library and take out an interesting book that you can recommend to a friend once you have finished it.
Write a book report for your favourite book, if you need help with this just search for ‘book reports’ on the internet and you will find lots of useful sites.
Invent a fun way to practice your spelling – be prepared to tell the class!
Experiment time! Why not create an experiment about your senses. Choose a range of objects, blindfold a friend or relative and investigate whether they can work out the objects just by using their sense of touch and smell. Got another idea for an experiment?! Write it down and bring it into school!
Practise learning your rights and responsibilities:
Remember to practise using analogue clocks reading the time.

What time does you favourite television programme start.

How long does it last.

Take a note of the time you go out to play or watch TV or play with your games.

When did you start/stop?

How long did you play for.
Some snow activities:
How many snow balls can you make in a minute?
Build a snowman and make sure you make its face symmetrical.
How many different 3D shapes can you make in the snow?
Draw a lovely winter picture.
Can you make a snow angel?

Are you bored? Do you want to exercise your brain?
Here are a few fun but educational web sites to visit:
Social Subjects:
Art and Design:

Using Glow for Fun
Why not access ‘Snow Days’ on Glow where you can take part in lots of exciting competitions and complete many fun and interesting tasks!

Primary 6 – w/e 6.12.13

It has been another busy week in P6…

Christmas lunch (yum!), the nursery nativity and the P1/2 nativity have served to put us in the Christmas mood! We thought the nativity shows were fantastic. Well done to all the nursery, P1 and P2 children.

We said goodbye to Miss Devine today. We have loved having her with us for the past 5 weeks and we are sorry to see her go. We will miss her!

We had forest school in the classroom this week and we used willow and an assortment of pine cones and holly leaves to make advent wreaths. They were lovely but we don’t think the cleaners were too impressed with all the pine needles on the carpet! Oops!

We are looking forward to the pantomime next week!

Primary 3 Weekly Learning Log 6.12.13

This week we have been busy making our Christmas fayre items and we can’t wait for next week when they will go on sale! In our topic this week we have learned about Scottish instruments, some of our favourites are the bagpipes and the accordian! We were so lucky this week and got to see the nursery nativity – it was fantastic! The boys and girls did a great job and left us feeling so Christmasy! We are looking forward to seeing the primary 1 and 2 nativity today! We feel a bit sad today because we are saying goodbye to Miss Devine, she is a fantastic teacher and we wish her all the best for the future!

Primary 6 – w/e 29.11.13

It has been another busy week in primary 6…

We are all set for the Christmas Fayre after spending some time making wine glass charms using beads and tibetan silver charms. We will be selling the for £1 each. Be quick! They went like hot cakes last year!

In writing this week, we were looking at metaphors and had to come up with some of our own. Watch out next week and we will publish some on the blog.

We performed ‘Caledonia’ at our St Andrew’s Concert today. Abbie and Thomas both sang solos and were amazing. Mrs Traynor was close to tears – she thinks our singing is wonderful! We are looking forward to permorming for our families in the New Year.


Reminder to all parents that the school/nursery fair will take place on Friday 13th of December. The children have been busy in nursery making items that we will sell.

Thank you to all those who have handed in something for the Christmas hampers. We will be selling raffle tickets week beginning  Monday 2nd of December. Donations of items are still welcome.

Many thanks Nursery Staff

Primary 3 Weekly Learning Log 29th November

Another busy week in primary 3! This week we have been continuing with our instruction writing and wrote a set of instructions on how to make a cup of tea! In our topic we learned about William Wallace and found out some interesting facts about him! We have been as busy as little elves this week and started to make items for our Christmas Fayre! Today we will be celebrating St Andrews day and we cannot wait to perform our Scottish Song…parents will be able to see this in January on Robert Burns day.

P1T – 22nd November 2013

We have had a great week in Primary 1T! We have loved science week and really enjoyed doing experiments. We were searching for materials in the classroom and the playground. We also dissolved different materials in warm water and made gloop! We can’t wait for the next science week.

We have also been learning lots about 3D shape. We now know what a cylinder, cuboid, cube, cone and pyramids look like and we found out that 3D shapes are all around us. We also made lots of different buildings using 3D shapes. Hope you like them!

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