We did self portraits
We got some very good tips
They look fabulous!
As you can see Primary Five have had another busy week!
They have been creating Haikus and drawing self portraits.
Ask them to make one especially for you!
We did self portraits
We got some very good tips
They look fabulous!
As you can see Primary Five have had another busy week!
They have been creating Haikus and drawing self portraits.
Ask them to make one especially for you!
Primary Five have had an exciting week.
Primary Five are having fun studying the rainforest. They are learning where rainforest exist. They are also learning about the animals that live in this environment, the layers of the forest and the indigenous people there. Read this wonderful description of the Amazon rainforest written by a primary five pupil.
Enormous trees towering up to the sky, further than I can see. Swinging monkeys gliding from branch to branch. Intense delightful flowers everywhere. Marvellous monkeys howling ferociously are so loud I can’t hear myself think!
Written by Connor
In the light of media coverage concerning rising cost of fuel bills it would be sensible for us all to be more aware of how we could save energy and money. This is responsibility for all.
Can you think of any innovative ways to save energy at home or in school? Post your ideas as a comment to this post.
All children who comment will be awarded one house point and one overall winner will be chosen to receive a prize. Good luck!!!
Primary seven pupils have been working on a project leaven seat. Primary seven have made a great effort on clearing the forest path also with Mr smalls the forest country ranger we had a great day up the forest and we would love to do it again.Primary seven did not won this year but we still know we done a great effort go primary 7.
Hi ! Primary seven topic is all about world war 2 and we have done some art work about it .We are enjoying it .
In Primary 2 this term we are working on a scottish topic.We are learning about the story of Greyfrair’s Bobby and Maisie stories.We will be designing a tartan kilt and learning about the map of Scotland.
Forthcoming Events
Hello boys and girls! On this page you will find a list of activities you could do in the event that the school is closed for severe weather conditions! Have fun with these activities and let me know which tasks you choose!
The boys and girls in primary 1 have been very busy this term. We have all settled into a routine in the classroom and have been working very hard. We have recently presented an assembly to our parents and the whole school and we are now preparing for the nativity play – The Grumpy Sheep.