A Very Short Week

This week Primary five have enjoyed:

  • Learning about Ash Wednesday and Lent. All pupils have made Lenten promises and will try hard to keep them. Pupils received their Ashes yesterday.
  • Learning about the space station in science.
  • Learning how to use the wall bars safely in gymnastics.

They will enjoy their last session of golf today with Mrs Crawford. This week pupils will learn how to complete the last swing which is the full swing!

Primary 3

In Primary Three we have started our new topic Ancient Egypt! We got very excited when we received a letter from a director at a museum asking for our help to create an Ancient Egyptian exhibit! We are having so much fun learning facts and creating things! We are also looking forward to participating in money week which will be on 18th February!

Primary 3

Hello everyone! Primary three have been working very hard this term! We have finished off our topic ‘Charlie and the Chocolate factory’ and are currently preparing for our class assembly on the 30th of November! Our new topic will be ‘Iconic buildings around the world’ we decided this would be a good topic to do as we loved Mr Wonka’s factory so much in our last topic! We have had a great term so far with a visit from the fizzy pop fairies…we’re still on the hunt for Mischievous Mel!

Primary 1C

This term the children have asked for our post office to be changed into Santa’s workshop. They are going to be very busy little elves, making lists, designing and making toys, looking at letters to Santa and delivering some presents using our programmable Beebot. They will also design their own wrapping paper for presents and use this to wrap all the presents. We have been very busy learning their song ‘Murder in the chip shop’ for our St Andrews day celebration and of course all of the songs and lines for The Grumpy Sheep.

The boys and girls in primary 1 have been very busy this term. We have all settled into a routine in the classroom and have been working very hard. We have recently presented an assembly to our parents and the whole school and we are now preparing for the nativity play – The Grumpy Sheep. We enjoyed helping the fairies in the forest last term and especially our visit from the Fizzy Pop Fairy and mischievous Mel. Photographs of these events are in our primary 1 photo album and you are welcome to come and look at these at the end of the school day. The children also learned about Elmer and his jungle environment and used the computer to create their own Elmers and these can be seen on the wall in the main corridor.

Primary 1L

Primary 1L have been learning about different festivals and celebrations this term. We have made scary Halloween pictures and biscuits, watched an amazing video about what would happen if Guy Fawkes had been successful and made our own Firework pictures. We learnt all about Remembrance day and why it is important to wear a poppy. We made our own poppies and a poppy wreath for our classroom. We were very interested in St Andrew and why he is important to Scotland, so we have decided to do a small topic on Scotland.

Celebrating Success

Congratulations to Harvey and Kyle who received the October award for Art and Design.


Dates for Diary- 11th  and 12th of Feb closed                                                          

End of  Term- Thursday 28th March                                           

As part of our Burns topic the children worked hard to learn three songs and took part in a mini scottish concert performed for parents and friends.

We are currently practising for our sponsered obstacle course in order to raise much needed funds for the nursery.

The nursery pupils had their very own book awards they had three books to choose from and voted for the one they liked best including  Jack and the flumflum tree by Julia Donaldson, Solomon Crocodile by Catherine Raynor and The Day Louis Got Eaten by John Fardell the morning class and the afternoon class both voted for different books to win.

In the morning the winner was :  Solomon Crocodile

In the afternoon the winner was : Jack and the Flumflum Tree

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