Primary 2 were busy during Money week in the green grocer’s shop. They also enjoyed Money board games and shop bingo. They are much better at counting coins and giving change and learned about the currencies of some other countries. They would also like to thank all mums and dads for all their help with their pirate ships which we put on display at the money week showcase.
Money Week
We have very busy this week with all of our activities related to money week. We have been learning to recognise all the coins and use these coins to purchase pretend shopping from our basket. We have also used money dominoes to help us with this task. We have written stories about what we would do if we had lots of money and we have made audio recordings. Plastic drinks bottles were used to create our piggy banks to encourage us to save.We have designed purses for Mrs Purdie and she really liked them. We are going to bring some pennies to school on Monday the 25th February for the Snail Trail for charity.
P6 – w/e 22.2.13
This week our class attended a basketball festival at Whitburn Community Centre. We were split into 3 teams and competed again teams from other schools. We did really well and we did the school proud!
For money week, we have been looking at the Cost of Living. We made money week menus and worked out the cost. We also looked at needs and wants.
As part of money, primary 6 are also working with Blackburn & Seafield Credit Union to start a credit union in the school. At the moment, we are applying for jobs and we will be launching the credit union at our class assembly on the 8th March. P6 parents are invited to this.
Primary 1-money week
This week primary one have been learning about money. We looked at different coins and used them to help with our adding. We then designed our own coins that can be used in Fairyland. We spoke about saving money and decided to make dragon money banks! The dragons are doing a good job of guarding our money! We have had lots of fun this week and have learnt lots about money!
Money Week – Primary 4
We read the story Charlie Fly and the Nice Dream and talked about TV adverts targeting children.
We carried out lots activities about money and finance through a family called the Sterlings.
We learned how to use a budget sheet and created one for ourselves and another for a primary 1 pupil.
Primary 3 – money week!
Primary 3 have been very busy learning all about money week! We counted up a jar full of money and then decided that the best thing to do with it was to give it to charity! We researched lots of different charities and decided to create our very own charity boxes! We have also played some money games, counted up totals and learned how to give back change! We looked at foreign currency and found this very interesting! We also discussed different needs and wants and created posters to show what we thought! We have learned lots of things this week and we have really enjoyed it!
Money and Finance Week in Primary 5
We have had a wonderful week learning about money and finance. Today we are celebrating our hard work by displaying money stalls in the hall for visitors to see. The class have made their very own cash machine and have had great fun using it. We have learned about money safety, credit unions and other financial institutions and how money is represented and accessed by creating our own bank statements. As you can see, we have been working extremely hard.
This website leads you to the Fauldhouse Partnership Center and you can look at the information about the gala day and also browse through and look at the pictures too.
Money and Finance Week!!
This week the whole school took part in Money week, every class had a topic to do with money and finance! There will be a showcase on the 22nd of February where the children will be showing off their learning. Parents and Families can come along to see what their children have been learning about during money week!! There will also be a stall for A Credit Union which will be starting up in our school!!! 😀
Nursery News
The nursery children have learning about dinosaurs, we have been learning names,we have been learning if they eat meat or plants and the habitats where they lived and all children have gained a lot of knowledge.The children have been playing in the nursery garden and soon we will be planting our vegetables.
Thank you to the parents and children we have so far almost £1000 raised during our sponsored obstacle course we have bought more outdoor equipment which will promote the children’s health and well being . We are busy working on mothers day cards and gifts. On Thursday 7 of march the children will dressing up from a book character.
We would like to thank Mrs Scott for giving up her time to share her musical talents with the Nursery.They all enjoyed it!
The nursery will set up a small display as part of the schools money week showcase on Friday the 22nd February.The children have shown interest in the value of coins, and of sharing their ideas on spending and saving.