Primary 6 had a fantastic day at Dynamic Earth. We learned about different natural disasters and watched a film on extreme weather in other planets in the Solar System. Here are some of our pictures to show what we got up to!
P6 – Tobacco Education
Over the past few months, Primary 6 have been learning all about tobacco. We were really lucky to use a brand new resource, created by Primary 7 pupils at Fallahill Primary School. We really enjoyed seeing our friends from our hometown on the video clips and loved the follow up activities. All pupils gave excellent feedback about why they have been put off smoking for life. The last lesson we completed was the health effects of tobacco. Did you know that smoking ages your skin and makes you wrinkly?! Have a look at our photos where we aged ourselves!!
P6 Cross Country March 2015
Primary 6 had a brilliant day out at the Whitburn Cross Country festival. We competed against 6 other schools. It was great fun and everyone ran their best! Everyone who participated won a medal.
We were a very successful team.
Kara came third overall and our whole class were so proud of her! She got an additional medal. She now qualifies for the West Lothian Cross Country festival in October. Well done!!
Overall, our girls were places first out of all of the schools that competed. We were delighted! We got two trophies to take back to school.
Our top three girls were: Kara, Murron and Emma M.
Our top three boys were: Ricky, Lewis and Aaron.
Well done again to all of the boys and girls in P6 who competed today.
Chinese New Year (Morning Group)
World Book Day
On Friday 6th Of March the whole school and nursery will attend an assembly to celebrate World Book day 2015.
All Pupils are invited to bring a copy of their favourite book to school and to dress up as their favourite character from that book. (Please note that the afternoon group in the nursery will celebrate this on Thursday 5th of March instead).
We look forward to celebrating the wonderful world of books with you all.
Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year
The children in the nursery have been having fun learning about the Chinese New Year. They have took part in a number of activities including hearing and discussing the story of the Chinese New Year, learning about their birth year, watching and copying traditional Chinese dance and making fortune cookies. Watch this space for photographs of the children engaged in their learning!