Primary 4 boys and girls have been practising their and 10 times tables this week.
Primary 2 What we have been learning..
This week we have been learning our songs and we have been given parts for our assembly. We are all excited and looking forward to performing in front of our parents and the whole school. We enjoyed making our Mother’s day cards and we hope that our mums will like them. We made them to show our mums how much we love them. We enjoyed dressing up as a character from a book on World book day.
Pupil Council Update
Since Mrs McDonagh has left Miss Laing is helping Miss McKenna to runthe pupil council. Issues have been raised about a lot of things including the fact that there is no mirrors in the girls toilet . . . Dun Dun Dun!!!!!!! We look forward to the inprovments that the pupil council are making.
RRSA Update
The new RRSA leaders are Miss Laing and Miss Mckenna, the group have been discussing ways to raise money and about achieving level 2! One of the things they needed to do was update class charters, the difference this year is the classes chose the rights to go on their class charter!! They are always Looking for ideas on ways to raise money so please comment your ideas!:-D
Primary 1’s week
Primary 1c enjoyed a visit from Mr Foster from powerwise on Thursday 28th February.The children learned all about keeping safe when using electricity in the house. They really liked Sparky the power wise bird.All the children are looking forward to dressing up as a book character for world book day on Thursday 7th of March.
St John’s Credit Union (P6)
Primary 6 are moving rapidly ahead with preparations for the school’s very own credit union.
We will be telling the whole school and our parents how this works at our class assembly next Friday 8th March at 9am. All P6 parents and families are invited to attend.
Application forms have now been handed in for the jobs available and we are eagerly waiting to find out who has been selected for interview.
Application forms will be given to all children following this assembly and the credit union will start in school after the Easter holidays.
More information to follow!
P6 – week ending 1.3.13
We have had a really busy week!
We are sad to say goodbye to Eliza who is moving to Armadale and is leaving us to join St Anthony’s.
We were all amazed by the Human Calculator this week – his head works faster than we can work calculators!
Cricket was the sport of the week and we have a coach coming in to work with us over the next few weeks. We really enjoyed the first session.
Our class trip has been booked and we are heading to New Lanark on Tuesday 19th March. We are looking forward to seeing the cotton mills and how they used to work as we read a lot about this in our Desperate Journey topic.
An Electrifying Week!
This week, Primary Five received a very interesting talk from a Powerwise employee. They learned:
- about conductors and insulators of electricity
- to stay away from cables and in particular, red wires
- to keep water away from electricity
- to make sure the socket switch is off before inserting a plug
- be aware of warning signs near electrical points
- keep an eye on younger children when using electricity
- playing with electricity is never a game!
Primary Five feel that they can make sure that their families and themselves are far more safe when using electricity. 🙂
A week in primary 3!
We have had a busy week in primary three! We have learned all about Egyptian pharaohs and made our own fact cards about them. We also had a very important talk from ‘powerwise’ telling us how to be safe with electricity. Some of the pupils are also getting ready to make their reconciliation which will be on the 25th March!
Primary 2 Learning Log
This week we have been writing letters to Mrs Purdie to tell her about the strenghths of the school and any changes we would like to see. We tried hard with our letters and worked independently. We also enjoyed drawing Spring flowers (daffodils) in art and Design as March signifies the beginning of Spring. We are looking for signs of Spring all around us.