We have learned about pirate food and have now finished our pirate topic which we really enjoyed. Next week we will do a topic assessment. We also wrote a report about our trip to Deep Sea World which was very interesting and lots of fun. We are making under ths sea collages too. Mrs Nolan is looking forward to meeting all parents this week to chat about all the good work we have been doing.
Primary 6 Homework Projects
Way back in January, Primary 6 were given a homework project to be handed in by the end of term. They were to research the Moon and then present this to class in any format they wished.
So far Mrs Traynor has been amazed with the work submitted. Posters, booklets, power point presentations… they are ALL fantastic!
*REMINDER TO P6: Tomorrow is the last day to hand in your homework projects!
Dress Down Day
Thursday the 28th March will be our next Dress Down Day. If you would like to bring in a donation for this privilege that would be great! All proceeds will go to our Lenten Appeal -SCIAF.
P1L learning log
Primary 1L are very excited because our mummys and daddy are coming to visit Fairyland. We have beeen working very hard to re-build Fairyland and it is finally finished. The Friendly Dragon is happy because all the characters are back in Fairyland but he is sad because he can’t write to us anymore.
We have been learning a special song about The Gingerbread man to perform for our parents. Yesterday we had a special delivery, we were given magic beans to grow our own Beanstalks. We planted them in soil and gave them some water and put them beside the window for some light.
P2 Weekly Learning Log
This week we have been learning about Earth hour. In class on Thursday we watched the Earth hour video and we had an hour without power on Thursday afternoon. Today we will bringing home a pledge sheet to ask our mum’s and dad’s to sign up for Earth hour. it is on Saturday from 8.30-9.30 pm. We will do something silly if you will sign up. Check out the eco blog page.
Primary 3 Learning log 22.3.13
We have had a very busy week! We have been practising for our First Reconciliation that will be held on Monday night and we are feeling confident in saying all our parts and singing all our hymns! The school was also shut this week due to all the snow! Some of us went on the school blog to look at the different snow activities! We also participated in ‘hour without power’ on Thursday to raise awareness for ‘Earth hour’, we turned off all the lights and power and completed activities in the dark! Some of us will be participating in Earth hour on Saturday evening with our families!
Eco Update- 27th March 2013
Time for the best energy saving ideas to be recognised.We offered a challenge back in November to post energy saving ideas. We had a number of very interesting posts…but the winning entry chosen by the Blog group is….
Carla Mancini from primary 5 who has water saving ideas on sharing bath water, trying to be as quick and efficient in the shower as possible and considering tryng to have an hour withour power once every week.Well done Carla!
Our next challenge is to define Biodiversity.I have received a number of efforts from primary 5,6 and 7 .
Please try these 10 simple energy saving ideas! 🙂
We need more people . . .
Unfortunatelynot many people have handed in the application forms for the credit union so could you please hand them in quickly. We are hoping for a lot more people to save with the credit union. Please don’t miss out on this valuable opportunity!
P6 – Snow Day 19.3.13
Well Primary 6… I think it is just as well that our trip to New Lanark was cancelled!
Remember you all now have your Bugsy Malone scripts home now too so switch on those New York accents and get practising! You can find all the links to the songs on youtube too!
Reading all your science fiction imaginative stories is keeping me occupied today but I think I’ll be making time for some sledging too! Have fun and stay safe!
Mrs Traynor
19.3.13 – school closure snow day
Just a reminder to P3 pupils that there are snow day activities on the glow page. Click the link ‘my glow groups’ then the link ‘p1 – p3’ and finally the tab for p3 and you will see them! (All pupil’s logins are glued into their homework diaries)
Some snow activties to keep you busy!
How many snow balls can you make in a minute?
Build a snowman and make sure you make its face symmetrical.
How many different 3D shapes can you make in the snow?
Draw a lovely winter picture.
Can you make a snow angel?