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Pirates topic-What we have been learning.

This week we have been learning about real pirates and pretend pirates. We learned about the terrifying pirate called Blackbeard who was areal pirate. Mrs Nolan has set  a homework challenge -To build a model of a pirate ship. Hope you have all began planning your models and looking forward to seeing them all. Closing date is Monday 18 th February. The class are really enjoying this topic and have brought in lots of pirtate related to objects for our class display.Look out for photos of our displays.

leaven seat acorn award

Primary seven pupils have been working on a project leaven seat. Primary seven have made a great effort on clearing the forest path also with Mr smalls the forest country ranger we had a great day up the forest and we would love to do it again.Primary seven did not won this year but we still know we done a great effort go primary 7.

What’s been happening in P.2.?

In Primary 2 this term we are working on a scottish topic.We  are learning about the story of Greyfrair’s Bobby and Maisie stories.We will be designing  a tartan kilt and learning about the map of Scotland.

Forthcoming Events

  • Nativity play- The Grumpy Sheep. We are in the swing of preparations
  • P.2. Assembly-23rd November – Caring for others is the theme
  • St Andrews day concert- We will be singing “The music man” with a Scottish twist.