Primary 1L are very excited because our mummys and daddy are coming to visit Fairyland. We have beeen working very hard to re-build Fairyland and it is finally finished. The Friendly Dragon is happy because all the characters are back in Fairyland but he is sad because he can’t write to us anymore.
We have been learning a special song about The Gingerbread man to perform for our parents. Yesterday we had a special delivery, we were given magic beans to grow our own Beanstalks. We planted them in soil and gave them some water and put them beside the window for some light.
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Primary 3 Learning log 22.3.13
We have had a very busy week! We have been practising for our First Reconciliation that will be held on Monday night and we are feeling confident in saying all our parts and singing all our hymns! The school was also shut this week due to all the snow! Some of us went on the school blog to look at the different snow activities! We also participated in ‘hour without power’ on Thursday to raise awareness for ‘Earth hour’, we turned off all the lights and power and completed activities in the dark! Some of us will be participating in Earth hour on Saturday evening with our families!
19.3.13 – school closure snow day
Just a reminder to P3 pupils that there are snow day activities on the glow page. Click the link ‘my glow groups’ then the link ‘p1 – p3’ and finally the tab for p3 and you will see them! (All pupil’s logins are glued into their homework diaries)
Some snow activties to keep you busy!
How many snow balls can you make in a minute?
Build a snowman and make sure you make its face symmetrical.
How many different 3D shapes can you make in the snow?
Draw a lovely winter picture.
Can you make a snow angel?
Severe Weather
Hello boys and girls.
Remember that in the event of school closure due to severe weather, you will find many educational activities on your class blog page.
Personal safety
We have been listening to stories during our work on the topic ‘Once Upon a Time’. Our recent stories have been about Red Riding Hood and Hansel and Gretel and we have discussed our personal safety and what to do if we find ourselves lost. As part of our science work we had a presentation from a representative of Powerwise. The children learned all about keeping safe from electrical dangers. They were very knowledgable about the hazards in the home. All of the children dressed up as a book character for World Book Day and enjoyed showing off their costumes and talking about their favourite book.
Primary 1L learning log
This has been a very exciting week for Primary 1L, the dragon delivered us some materials to make puppets. We have been using them to make puppet shows.Miss Laing will put the videos on pupil shared so that everyone can watch them.
Maths: We have been learning kung- fu maths! yah! We used our understanding of addition to 10 to help us. We have also been learning how to sort objects by shape, size and colour.
We have been reading the story of the Gingerbread man and love how cheeky he is. We enjoyed sequencing instructions for making a gingerbread man. Yum yum!
Primary 4
Primary 4 boys and girls have been practising their and 10 times tables this week.
Primary 2 What we have been learning..
This week we have been learning our songs and we have been given parts for our assembly. We are all excited and looking forward to performing in front of our parents and the whole school. We enjoyed making our Mother’s day cards and we hope that our mums will like them. We made them to show our mums how much we love them. We enjoyed dressing up as a character from a book on World book day.
Primary 1C
This term the children have asked for our post office to be changed into Santa’s workshop. They are going to be very busy little elves, making lists, designing and making toys, looking at letters to Santa and delivering some presents using our programmable Beebot. They will also design their own wrapping paper for presents and use this to wrap all the presents. We have been very busy learning their song ‘Murder in the chip shop’ for our St Andrews day celebration and of course all of the songs and lines for The Grumpy Sheep.
The boys and girls in primary 1 have been very busy this term. We have all settled into a routine in the classroom and have been working very hard. We have recently presented an assembly to our parents and the whole school and we are now preparing for the nativity play – The Grumpy Sheep. We enjoyed helping the fairies in the forest last term and especially our visit from the Fizzy Pop Fairy and mischievous Mel. Photographs of these events are in our primary 1 photo album and you are welcome to come and look at these at the end of the school day. The children also learned about Elmer and his jungle environment and used the computer to create their own Elmers and these can be seen on the wall in the main corridor.
Lego Club Update
The St. John the Baptist Primary School Lego Club is now going from strength to strength. We now have two sets of ‘WeDo’ educational software and the ‘Wee-Doers’ are looking forward to building models with much more hands-on experience.
For older pupils, ‘Nexty’ is now fully assembled, ready to start moving! Using ‘Mindstorms’ software, they have called themselves ‘Generation Next’ as they now use the Robot Educator to design their own programmes.