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Primary 3 – 23.8.13 – First Week Back!

We are very excited to be back in school as primary 3! We have a had a very busy first week back, we got settled quickly and designed our group names – this was a competion and our lucky winners were; Adrienne, John, Frank and Shannon! We were budding artists this week and designed beautiful flower pictures using tissue paper! Miss McKenna was very impressed with our story writing about a monster in a lake! Cameron is our very first star writer of this year in P3! We know we will work hard this year and can’t wait for all the fun and interesting things we will do in primary 3!

Primary 3 – week ending 21.6.13

We are coming up to the end of our year in Primary 3 and what a great one we have had! Today we are going to meet our new teacher for next year and we are very excited to know who it is! This week we had a very special visit from Mrs Purdie, she did an art lesson with us and we all made amazing pictures of the Forth Road Bridge – it was brilliant! We are all really looking forward to our very last week and can’t wait for Sports Day, T in the playground and looking forward to hearing who is the winning house! We also got a lovely treat today watching Primary 1 do their assembly – it was fab!

Primary 3 learning log 14.6.13

A very busy and fun week! We had a great treat on Tuesday where we got to watch the dress rehearsal of ‘Bugsy Malone.’ The P5 – P7 pupils did great and we know that mums and dads are going to love it! On Thursday we were very ‘eco friendly’ and helped West Lothian Council to pick up litter, we had great fun doing this and worked hard to clean up the park in Fauldhouse! Within our topic this week we have been hearing the story of Greyfriars Bobby, we just love it! It’s a very special day on Sunday and we all made lovely Father’s Day cards which we’re sure our Dads will all love!

Primary 3 Weekly learning log 7.6.13

Another busy week in primary 3…we have been working very hard on our Scottish Topic, we had fun on Thursday looking at lots of different Scottish instruments, our favourites are the bagpipes, fiddles and the drums! We had fun last night at ‘Danger Night’, we love the shows being in town! We are taking advantage of all this beautiful weather and have been enjoying our PE outside! Talking about the sun, we have had lots of chats about being ‘summer safe’ and have got stickers for all our hard work! Primary 5 had their assembly today on the ‘Scottish Wars of independence’ it was amazing!

P.2.Learning Log

This week we have been learning about information handling in Maths. We gathered information about our favourite pets and made  a pictograph to display the information. We also enjoyed drawing lighthouses after we listened to the story The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch.  We are very excited about the Galaday tomorrow and Mrs Nolan hopes we all have  a great day with our families and hopes the sun will shine for us.

Primary 3 learning log: 31.5.13

Another very busy week in primary 3! Miss McKenna set us a topic challenge for homework, we had to design a T-shirt that would encourage people from other countries to visit Scotland – we can’t wait to see who has won! Through our topic we have been researching famous Scots and looked at Charles Rennie Macintosh – we even created some of his designs! We really enjoyed P4’s assembly about their sacraments and are looking forward to making them ourselves next year!