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Snow Day Activities

Boys and girls, I have put a range of activities on to your glow page to keep you busy in case of school closures during the winter months!
Practise your times tables either write them down and ask a family member to quiz you, make up a fun way to learn them or use this link –
Make a visit to the library and take out an interesting book that you can recommend to a friend once you have finished it.
Write a book report for your favourite book, if you need help with this just search for ‘book reports’ on the internet and you will find lots of useful sites.
Invent a fun way to practice your spelling – be prepared to tell the class!
Experiment time! Why not create an experiment about your senses. Choose a range of objects, blindfold a friend or relative and investigate whether they can work out the objects just by using their sense of touch and smell. Got another idea for an experiment?! Write it down and bring it into school!
Practise learning your rights and responsibilities:
Remember to practise using analogue clocks reading the time.

What time does you favourite television programme start.

How long does it last.

Take a note of the time you go out to play or watch TV or play with your games.

When did you start/stop?

How long did you play for.
Some snow activities:
How many snow balls can you make in a minute?
Build a snowman and make sure you make its face symmetrical.
How many different 3D shapes can you make in the snow?
Draw a lovely winter picture.
Can you make a snow angel?

Are you bored? Do you want to exercise your brain?
Here are a few fun but educational web sites to visit:
Social Subjects:
Art and Design:

Using Glow for Fun
Why not access ‘Snow Days’ on Glow where you can take part in lots of exciting competitions and complete many fun and interesting tasks!

Parent Consultations

Letters have been issued with regards to Parent-Teacher Consultations.  Dates are Tues 1 Oct or Fri 04 Oct.   Requests have to be completed and sent back by Friday 13 September.   Appointments will then be issued over the next week.  Wherever possible we will try to meet specific requests to accommodate parents.   Parent evening_ltr to parents Oct13  The Book Fair will be present in the Hall on both dates.

Primary 3 – week ending 6th September

Lots of exciting things happening in primary 3! We are just loving our Charlie and the Chocolate Factory topic, we have drew pictures of different characters, written a short story about them and also designed our very own Wonka bars! Miss McKenna has hidden a golden ticket inside one of these bars and we can’t wait to try and find it! If we find it we will get a treat from the treat box!

We have also been working very hard to count in 2s starting from an odd number and at home we have been busy learning our times tables!  We have also been experimenting with different shapes and learning about symmetry.

Jeans for Genes Day


 Pupils at St John the Baptist Primary School will be swapping uniforms for jeans/denim clothing to raise money on


 Suggested donation £1


Jeans for Genes Day raises money for Genetic Disorders UK, the charity that aims to transform the lives of children with genetic disorders.

 Genetic disorders affect 1 in 25 children in the UK – that’s more than 30,000 babies born each year. Their associated health problems mean that genetic disorders are the biggest cause of death of children aged 14 and under.


Primary 3 week ending 30th August

Another busy week in primary 3! We have started our new topic ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ and can’t wait to complete different activities and tasks! We are also beginning to learn our times tables and are going to be tested every week!  We also discussed what rights we would like to have in our class and created a very colourful display about them! Today we are celebrating our first mass  in this school session.