Category Archives: RRSA

RRSA Update – Term 1 2013

The RRSA members have worked very hard this term! They have attended an afterschool club where they created leaflets, were ‘RRSA Spies’ (linking rights to classroom displays) and lots more! They finished their busy term with a fantastic assembly today and informed parents of the RRSA work that has gone on within the school inlcuding important rights that parents can help us respect! Incase anyone missed our assembly a leaflet will be going out today to all parents!

Thank you RRSA members for all of your hard work! – Miss McKenna 🙂

Update of RRSA

We have been very busy in school completing RRSA work! Here is an update of what we have been doing!

In school we have been very busy making our classroom charters that display rights that we think are important.

We have also been learning about special articles like Article 19- ‘All children have the right to be protected from any harm.’ We think this is very important. 

Each class have been raising money for peanut paste, just £22.50 can supply a starving child for one month with peanut paste.

We will also be puting up playground charters to be safe in the playground and respect other peoples rights. We have been inventing the perfect teacher in our school topic ‘Every child needs a Teacher’ to raise awareness that some children in the world don’t have a teacher.

Finally we need parents to help us plan and organise fundraising events! Soon there will be a sheet in the school where you can sign up to help! The RRSA club will be having an assembly soon.

We will keep you posted with more updates.

Jeans for Genes Day


 Pupils at St John the Baptist Primary School will be swapping uniforms for jeans/denim clothing to raise money on


 Suggested donation £1


Jeans for Genes Day raises money for Genetic Disorders UK, the charity that aims to transform the lives of children with genetic disorders.

 Genetic disorders affect 1 in 25 children in the UK – that’s more than 30,000 babies born each year. Their associated health problems mean that genetic disorders are the biggest cause of death of children aged 14 and under.


RRSA Update

The new RRSA leaders are Miss Laing and Miss Mckenna, the group have been discussing ways to raise money and about achieving level 2!  One of the things they needed to do was update class charters, the difference this year is the classes chose the rights to go on their class charter!!  They are always Looking for ideas on ways to raise money so please comment your ideas!:-D