Please visit our new website and blog:
You can also follow us on twitter @wlstjohns
Please visit our new website and blog:
You can also follow us on twitter @wlstjohns
We have been learning about Mini Beasts.
This is what Jessica had to say about what we have been learning…
We have been learning about how bees are born… they start off as an egg, then they come out as a wormy shape, then they go into a coccoon and then they come out as a bee! We have also been learning about how caterpillars turn into butterflies. We know that worms live in the soil and they help to make the soil nice and soft so it is good to have worms in your garden. Worms don’t like too much water because they could drown. It is also good to have ladybirds in your garden because they eat greenflies and greenflies eat your plants so ladybirds help to save your plants!
We can’t believe that we are nearly at the end of Primary 1. We are looking forward to going into Primary 2 and we can’t wait to find out who our new teacher is going to be!
On Friday 6th Of March the whole school and nursery will attend an assembly to celebrate World Book day 2015.
All Pupils are invited to bring a copy of their favourite book to school and to dress up as their favourite character from that book. (Please note that the afternoon group in the nursery will celebrate this on Thursday 5th of March instead).
We look forward to celebrating the wonderful world of books with you all.
Primary 1 have been learning all about shape.
Primary 1 have been practising for their assembly. Please come along to Primary 1 Assembly on Friday the 8th of November at 9.10am.
Look out for Primary 1 in the West Lothian Courier this week!
This week in Primary 1 we have learned two new sounds c and k. We have been writing our numbers 1 2 and 3. We have been talking about how the policman can help us during our topic which is People Who Help Us. Primary 1 boys and girls have had their photograph taken for our local paper.
Primary 1 have had an excellent first week coming into school for full days! We enjoyed being in the dinner hall with all our friends and showing off our new pack lunch boxes and school dinners! We are a bit tired but have enjoyed starting our new topic ‘People who help us’ and writing our first story. We can’t wait for next week!
Pupils at St John the Baptist Primary School will be swapping uniforms for jeans/denim clothing to raise money on
Suggested donation £1
Jeans for Genes Day raises money for Genetic Disorders UK, the charity that aims to transform the lives of children with genetic disorders.
Genetic disorders affect 1 in 25 children in the UK – that’s more than 30,000 babies born each year. Their associated health problems mean that genetic disorders are the biggest cause of death of children aged 14 and under.