Category Archives: Primary 6

Primary 6 – w/e 20.12.13

We have thoroughly enjoyed our last week of term 2 and we are all looking forward to Christmas!

We had an excellent time at the P6/7 disco on Tuesday and we loved the snow and the snowman! Mrs Traynor still can’t believe that T Jay did not get a prize for dancing! He never stopped!

Primary 6 would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Primary 6 – w/e 6.12.13

It has been another busy week in P6…

Christmas lunch (yum!), the nursery nativity and the P1/2 nativity have served to put us in the Christmas mood! We thought the nativity shows were fantastic. Well done to all the nursery, P1 and P2 children.

We said goodbye to Miss Devine today. We have loved having her with us for the past 5 weeks and we are sorry to see her go. We will miss her!

We had forest school in the classroom this week and we used willow and an assortment of pine cones and holly leaves to make advent wreaths. They were lovely but we don’t think the cleaners were too impressed with all the pine needles on the carpet! Oops!

We are looking forward to the pantomime next week!

Primary 6 – w/e 29.11.13

It has been another busy week in primary 6…

We are all set for the Christmas Fayre after spending some time making wine glass charms using beads and tibetan silver charms. We will be selling the for £1 each. Be quick! They went like hot cakes last year!

In writing this week, we were looking at metaphors and had to come up with some of our own. Watch out next week and we will publish some on the blog.

We performed ‘Caledonia’ at our St Andrew’s Concert today. Abbie and Thomas both sang solos and were amazing. Mrs Traynor was close to tears – she thinks our singing is wonderful! We are looking forward to permorming for our families in the New Year.

Primary 6 w/e 8.11.13

We had a great start to the week at Forest School – cold but sunny! We were working on building dens this week and we are hoping they are still intact on the 18th so that we can finish them off. Here are some photos:

We also celebrated Elle’s birthday at Forest School and she kindly brought chocolate cake for us to enjoy in the Forest… YUM!

We have started working on internet safety as part of our health with Miss Devine. We are learning how to be safe when using the internet and where to go to if we need help.

Our highlight of the week was the primary 1 assembly. We really enjoyed it and thought all the little ones were fantastic!

Primary 6 – w/e 1.11.13

Primary 6 went on their class trip to New Lanark this week. We had a fantastic time and photos will follow next week.

We have been reading The Desperate Journey in class and learning about the Highland Clearances so we visited New Lanark to find out what life was like for the families who came to live and work there after being evicted from their homes. We much preferred the New Lanark way of life to where Kirsty and Davie were living and working in Glasgow.

A note from Mrs Traynor to P6:

Primary 6 – w/e 11.10.13

Another busy week in primary 6 – Mrs Traynor does not know where the time is going!

We said a sad farewell to Kaley who is leaving us for the sunnier shores of… Livingston. We wish her well at her new school and we will all miss her. Kirstin created a special video for Kaley which we all watched in class today. There were a few teary eyes!

On Monday, we had our third Forest School session so we were glad that the rain stayed off. After playing some games to help us learn about the food chain and echo-location, we had our lunch. The game about the tree-cutter then helped us understand why trees are so important in the world. Any cutting down of trees should coincide with the planting of new ones! Finally, we learned about fire safety (and toasted some marshmallows). Photos to follow next week…

Christmas also came early to us this week when we were asked to perform some Christmas Carols at a finance roadshow in the partnership centre. Mrs Traynor was very proud of us as we sang beautifully – like angels apparently! 🙂

We are looking forward to our last week of school before the October week.

P6 – w/e 4.10.13

We have had a very busy week in Primary 6. Our characters from The Desperate Journey have now reached Glasgow after a harrowing journey to get there so we have been doing artwork based on the Glasgow skyline in the 1800s.

Division and fractions have been rounded up and we are looking forward to starting Money Fortnight on Monday. Our focus will be on saving, borrowing, finding the best offers and looking at credit cards, debit cards and bank statements.


P6 – w/e 13.9.13

It has been a busy week in primary 6 with lots going on!

We started forest school this week although we were in class. We made dream-catchers!

We have also been learning more about the Highland Clearances and we started our wall display to show how we think the croft looked in The Desperate Journey.

Credit union application forms were handed in and the children should know who has been invited for interview by the end of next week.

Kirstin, Kaley and Holly performed their Mega Health rap for the whole school. Watch out for the video coming soon!

We are ALL looking forward to the long weekend 🙂