Category Archives: Primary 6

Primary 6 – w/e 5th June 2015

This week, we have been researching man-made and natural disasters. We have written newspaper reports based on these. Some of the things we have been looking at are the Nepal earthquake, Hurricane Katrina, September 11th and the sinking of the Titanic. We have been doing volcano art with paint and chalk. Next week, we will be making an erupting volcano and we can’t wait.wall

We have also been working on our Keeping Myself Safe topic this week and our focus has been on keeping safe with strangers when on a bus.

In maths, we have been dividing decimals! It is quite easy once you get the hang of it! We have also been doing lots of check ups on addition. Mrs Traynor has given us a murder mystery to solve and we are working our way through the clues. Who will be the first to solve the crime?

P6 – Tobacco Education

Over the past few months, Primary 6 have been learning all about tobacco. We were really lucky to use a brand new resource, created by Primary 7 pupils at Fallahill Primary School. We really enjoyed seeing our friends from our hometown on the video clips and loved the follow up activities. All pupils gave excellent feedback about why they have been put off smoking for life. The last lesson we completed was the health effects of tobacco. Did you know that smoking ages your skin and makes you wrinkly?! Have a look at our photos where we aged ourselves!!

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P6 Cross Country March 2015



Primary 6 had a brilliant day out at the Whitburn Cross Country festival. We competed against 6 other schools. It was great fun and everyone ran their best! Everyone who participated won a medal.

We were a very successful team.

Kara came third overall and our whole class were so proud of her! She got an additional medal. She now qualifies for the West Lothian Cross Country festival in October. Well done!!

Overall, our girls were places first out of all of the schools that competed. We were delighted! We got two trophies to take back to school.

Our top three girls were: Kara, Murron and Emma M.

Our top three boys were: Ricky, Lewis and Aaron.

Well done again to all of the boys and girls in P6 who competed today.


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World Book Day


On Friday 6th Of March the whole school and nursery will attend an assembly to celebrate World Book day 2015.

All Pupils are invited to bring a copy of their favourite book to school and to dress up as their favourite character from that book. (Please note that the afternoon group in the nursery will celebrate this on Thursday 5th of March instead).

We look forward to celebrating the wonderful world of books with you all.


P6 – 12th December 2014

We have had a good week in Primary 6.

We really enjoyed the primary 1 and 2 nativity. We loved Halle being the cockerel and shouting cock-a-doodle-doo. They all sang and performed really well.

We also went to the partnership centre to play some team mini games. We got to play some of our favourite games like wink murder and also learned some new ones. This will help us with our sports leadership which we have been doing in class. .

We also experienced a weather bomb this week. Everyone was scared of the thunder and lightening! We also wanted to play in the snow.

Blog reporter: Jack

Primary 6 – 5th December 2014

Welcome to our Primary 6 blog!

Here you can find loads of updates about all the work we have been doing in class.

This week we have been very busy preparing for the Christmas Fair. We made Frozen ‘Olaf’ marshmallows for you to build (Do you want to build a snowman!) and Frozen friendship bracelets. We were happy to hear that they were sold out!

For our class topic, we have been learning all about World War 1. This week we wrote diary accounts about Christmas Eve truce and painted a picture of a soldier in Flanders Fields.

We have also been creating circuits in class for science. Miss Timmins gave us the challenge to light up a clowns nose using the equipment given. We all managed to work as a team and each group completed the task successfully. Have a look at some of the photos!

P6 – w/e 17th January 2014

Another busy week in Primary 6 now that we have all settled back in after the holidays…

We are continuing with our ‘African Adventure’ topic. This week we looked at the process of making chocolate, from the cocoa pod to it being packaged and ready to be sent out to all the shops. We also learned about the Scottish missionary Dr David Livingstone and his involvement in the abolition of the slave trade. We are all enjoying this topic.

We have also been learning about 24 hour time in maths – quiz us!

Our PE this term is net games and we are doing volleyball with Miss Stewart. Mrs Traynor is going to do badminton with us.

Finally, we wrote letters to famous Scots this week. From Chris Hoy to Danny Mackaskill to Emeli Sande… we had lots to ask them and we are going to be posting the letters too.

Mrs Traynor has challenged the class to get on the blog and comment on it before the end of January. 5 have done so, 21 to go!

P6 – w/e 10.1.14

We have had a great first week back!

We started our new topic ‘African Adventure’. We are all really excited about this topic and we are looking forward to learning new things about the African continent. Did you know Africa has 53 different states?!

We also began this term’s Health project which is all about respect. We have come up with a set of rules for the classroom which will allow all of us to feel we are respected and to help us respect the rights of others.

Our maths for the next couple of weeks is all about time. We are looking particularly at 24 hour time. Quiz us!