Category Archives: Primary 5

Primary 5 learning log 27.9.13

This week we have been learning about the Battle of Bannockburn. We have wrote newspaper reports and researched what happened.

We were learning about weapons used in The Battle of Bannockburn and made large English and Scottish sheilds.

In maths we have been focussing on our 6, 4 and 3 times tables, we are improving our confidence.

P5 weekly learning log

This week Primary 5 have been concentrating on our times tables, we have learnt that there are patterns within the tinmes tables. Our topic for this term is The Scottish wars of Independence, we have been learning about important figures in Scottish History and last week created our own life sized replicas. This week we have been learning about important battles such as the Battle of Bannockburn. We have enjoyed learning French with Mrs Nolan and look forward to the European day of Languages.

Jeans for Genes Day


 Pupils at St John the Baptist Primary School will be swapping uniforms for jeans/denim clothing to raise money on


 Suggested donation £1


Jeans for Genes Day raises money for Genetic Disorders UK, the charity that aims to transform the lives of children with genetic disorders.

 Genetic disorders affect 1 in 25 children in the UK – that’s more than 30,000 babies born each year. Their associated health problems mean that genetic disorders are the biggest cause of death of children aged 14 and under.


Our Time To Shine!

Our performance of ‘Bugsy Malone’ is so popular that we are running out of tickets for the evening performance! Tickets for the evening performance will not be on sale at the door and must be bought before Tuesday.

We still have tickets for our afternoon show so be fast or be last! Remember…first come first served!

We sincerely hope to see you all there for our time to shine!!!!!!

Great Fun Outdoors!

Last week Primary Five went to school Camp in Perthshire. We got to take part in five different adventure activities. They were; Flying Fox, Archery, 100 foot Tree Climb, Living Outdoors and the Mohawk Walk (which included The Great Wall of China and the Wild Woozy!). The food was scrumdiddlyumptious, the activity leaders were excellent and we had fantastic fun playing outdoors in the evenings!

A Quick Week

We finished up last week with a fantastic walk to our local forest with our very own forest ranger as a guide. We had a blast!

After enjoying a holiday Monday and an inservice Tuesday, we have launched straight into our learning.

We had a very special visitor this week. She was from the SPCA and she taught us all about how to protect wild animals. We thought it was fantastic! We were delighted when we were rewarded with a key ring, sticker and car transfer for our great behaviour.

We celebrated as a school community with a Mass for Ascension Thursday. We were told that our responses and singing were wonderful. Father Alan has asked us to make a huge effort to come to Mass on a Sunday and we are going to try our best to do this!!!

Back to School

It has been a very busy couple of weeks for the Primary Five children! We have definitely hit the ground running! Not only have we lunched into our preparations for our up and coming school show ‘Bugsy Malone’ but we are also frantically preparing for our trip to school camp. 🙂 Amongst all of this learning, we have managed to fit in some compositions of forms of complex poetry, deepening our learning of analogue and digital time and creating abstract expressionism art amongst many other things. Well done Primary Five and keep it up!!!

School Closure

Hello Primary Five!

Hope you are all safe and warm today. 

Just to remind you that you can see the Pope’s Inauguration Mass and coverage from Vatican City on television this morning.

Don’t forget, you can find lots of educational activities on our Primary Five Blog Page.

Keep safe.

From Mrs Brunton. 🙂