Category Archives: Primary 3

Primary 3 – money week!

Primary 3 have been very busy learning all about money week! We counted up a jar full of money and then decided that the best thing to do with it was to give it to charity! We researched lots of different charities and decided to create our very own charity boxes! We have also played some money games, counted up totals and learned how to give back change!  We looked at foreign currency and found this very interesting! We also discussed different needs and wants and created posters to show what we thought! We have learned lots of things this week and we have really enjoyed it!

Primary 3

In Primary Three we have started our new topic Ancient Egypt! We got very excited when we received a letter from a director at a museum asking for our help to create an Ancient Egyptian exhibit! We are having so much fun learning facts and creating things! We are also looking forward to participating in money week which will be on 18th February!

Primary 3

Hello everyone! Primary three have been working very hard this term! We have finished off our topic ‘Charlie and the Chocolate factory’ and are currently preparing for our class assembly on the 30th of November! Our new topic will be ‘Iconic buildings around the world’ we decided this would be a good topic to do as we loved Mr Wonka’s factory so much in our last topic! We have had a great term so far with a visit from the fizzy pop fairies…we’re still on the hunt for Mischievous Mel!

Winter activities in the event of school closures!

Hello boys and girls! On this page you will find a list of activities you could do in the event that the school is closed for severe weather conditions! Have fun with these activities and let me know which tasks you choose!

Practise your number sequences and number bonds. Can you count up in 2s, 5s, and 10s – make a number sequence with missing numbers for someone to complete!

Make a visit to the library and take out an interesting book that you can recommend to a friend once you have finished it.

Write a book review for your favourite book, if you need help with this just search for ‘book reports’ on the internet and you will find lots of useful sites.

Invent a fun way to practice your spelling – be prepared to tell the class!

Experiment time! Why not create an experiment about your senses. Choose a range of objects, blindfold a friend or relative and investigate whether they can work out the objects just by using their sense of touch and smell. Got another idea for an experiment?! Write it down and bring it into school!

Pretend you are writing a letter to the prime minister asking him to build a new building in Edinburgh – what’s the purpose of the new building? What does it look like? Remember to use cursive handwriting (if you can) he is the prime minister after all!

Design your own building – use lego or draw one!

Practise learning your rights and responsibilities:
Some snow activities:
How many snow balls can you make in a minute?
Build a snowman and make sure you make its face symmetrical.
How many different 3D shapes can you make in the snow?
Draw a lovely winter picture.
Can you make a snow angel?