Category Archives: Primary 3

World Book Day


On Friday 6th Of March the whole school and nursery will attend an assembly to celebrate World Book day 2015.

All Pupils are invited to bring a copy of their favourite book to school and to dress up as their favourite character from that book. (Please note that the afternoon group in the nursery will celebrate this on Thursday 5th of March instead).

We look forward to celebrating the wonderful world of books with you all.


Happy New Year from Primary 3! We have had a great week back settling well into school! We started our new topic – Ancient Greece and we are looking forward to completing it this term! We are still completing our ‘Big Maths’ once a week and are scores are continuing to be high! We are learning about ‘time’ this term in maths as well as addition and subtraction. We have started to prepare for our Reconciliation which will take place on 31st of March.

Primary 3 weekly learning log 13.12.13

We have had a very busy and fun week! We have all finished our work on division and multiplication and did very well in our assessments! We also started our Big Maths Learn Its again and Miss McKenna is very pleased with our results!  We also looked at Venn diagrams this week and sorted 3D shapes into it! In our topic this week we have learned about Scottish foods and made our very own menus! We also looked at Greyfriar’s Bobby and we just loved this story! We really enjoyed the pantomime on Wednesday, we thought it was very funny! The Christmas Fayre is today and we are looking forward to going around the stalls!

Primary 3 Weekly Learning Log 6.12.13

This week we have been busy making our Christmas fayre items and we can’t wait for next week when they will go on sale! In our topic this week we have learned about Scottish instruments, some of our favourites are the bagpipes and the accordian! We were so lucky this week and got to see the nursery nativity – it was fantastic! The boys and girls did a great job and left us feeling so Christmasy! We are looking forward to seeing the primary 1 and 2 nativity today! We feel a bit sad today because we are saying goodbye to Miss Devine, she is a fantastic teacher and we wish her all the best for the future!

Primary 3 Weekly Learning Log 29th November

Another busy week in primary 3! This week we have been continuing with our instruction writing and wrote a set of instructions on how to make a cup of tea! In our topic we learned about William Wallace and found out some interesting facts about him! We have been as busy as little elves this week and started to make items for our Christmas Fayre! Today we will be celebrating St Andrews day and we cannot wait to perform our Scottish Song…parents will be able to see this in January on Robert Burns day.

Primary 3 22.11.13

This week we have all been scientists! We have been looking at materials and their properties. We have done lots of experiements this week, such as, making our own glue and writing instructions for this, completing a hankie experiement to see where fabric would dry best, learning about materials that are insoluble and soluable – Miss McKenna was very impressed that we could use this scientific language. We are looking forward to next week for our St Andrew’s Day assembly where we will sing our Scottish song that we have been practising with Mrs England.

Primary 3 Weekly learning log 15.11.13

Primary 3 have enjoyed another busy week! We have been learning all about our Scottish Culture and about Edinburgh Castle. We drew line drawings of Edinburgh Castle and we think these look great! We are trying so hard to learn our times tables – some of us are moving on to learn our 3 times tables!! We were so lucky yesterday and got a taster of karate! We loved it! We also wrote another Haiku poem this week on animals! Primary 5 did a good job with their assembly today.

Primary 3 – Week ending 8.11.13

Yet another busy week in primary 3! This week we have been very clever and have written our very own Haiku poems about winter! They are fantastic and Miss McKenna was very impressed! We are also very excited because this week we have been completing an art compeition for the Commonwealth Games, one winner’s picture will be chosen to be put up in an athletes room! Primary One had their assembly today and we just loved it! Today and Monday we will be learning about Remembrance Day and why this is an important day. As always we look forward to another busy week.

P.S….Only 48 days until Christmas!!!!! 😀