Category Archives: Primary 2

Primary 2 Learning Log

This week we have been writing letters to Mrs Purdie to tell her about the strenghths of the school and any changes we would like to see. We tried hard with our letters and worked independently. We also enjoyed drawing Spring flowers (daffodils) in art and Design as March signifies the beginning of Spring. We are looking for signs of Spring all around us.

Primary 2 Money Week

Primary 2 were busy during Money week in the green grocer’s shop. They also enjoyed Money board games and shop bingo. They are much better at counting coins and giving change and learned about the currencies of some other countries. They would also like to thank all mums and dads for all their help with their pirate ships which we put on display at the money week showcase.

Pirates topic-What we have been learning.

This week we have been learning about real pirates and pretend pirates. We learned about the terrifying pirate called Blackbeard who was areal pirate. Mrs Nolan has set  a homework challenge -To build a model of a pirate ship. Hope you have all began planning your models and looking forward to seeing them all. Closing date is Monday 18 th February. The class are really enjoying this topic and have brought in lots of pirtate related to objects for our class display.Look out for photos of our displays.