Category Archives: Primary 1N

Primary 1N – w/e 5th June 2015

We have been learning all about Mini Beasts and the life cycles of worms, butterflies, ladybirds and bees. We know why all of these insects are good for our gardens and for our environment. We have been learning about minibeasts who make cocoons and turn into something very different, like caterpillars turning into butterflies. Here is our topic wall in the classroom:

P1N Minibeasts

Along with P1K, we have been learning French and we know our numbers to 10.


We are all getting excited about dressing up for the Gala Day now and we really hope that the weather is sunny, sunny, sunny!

World Book Day


On Friday 6th Of March the whole school and nursery will attend an assembly to celebrate World Book day 2015.

All Pupils are invited to bring a copy of their favourite book to school and to dress up as their favourite character from that book. (Please note that the afternoon group in the nursery will celebrate this on Thursday 5th of March instead).

We look forward to celebrating the wonderful world of books with you all.


P1T – 10th January 2014

Happy new year from everyone in Primary 1T! We have enjoyed sharing our holiday stories this week and listening to what we all got up to.

We have been very busy this week! We are now writing stories all by ourselves (which Miss Timmins is very proud of!), adding numbers together in maths and making winter pictures for art. We have also started our new topic ‘The Farm’ and we are looking forward to learning about growing food and all about the animals found on the farm.

P1T – 20th December 2013

What a great last week we have had in P1T. We really enjoyed our Christmas party on Wednesday. Our favourite part was Santa coming to see us! We also liked Freckles the Clown, she even gave us a balloon! We all looked fabulous in our party clothes.

We also wrote our first story by ourselves this week. Miss Timmins was really proud of us! We then wrote our own messages on our handmade Christmas cards for our families.

We were really sad to say goodbye to John on Friday. We were glad he liked our surprise and wish him good luck at his new school!

Hope you have a lovely Christmas and Santa spoils you all! Happy holidays 🙂

13th December 2013 – P1T

We have had such a Christmassy week in Primary 1T! We performed our first ever Nativity play with P1F and P2 and it was great! We really enjoyed the singing and being dressed up in our costumes and cannot wait to do it all again next year. We also went to the pantomime which was great fun! We liked being on the bus and booing the scary witch! We are looking forward to the Christmas Fayre today. We hope you like the bracelets we made!

P1T – 22nd November 2013

We have had a great week in Primary 1T! We have loved science week and really enjoyed doing experiments. We were searching for materials in the classroom and the playground. We also dissolved different materials in warm water and made gloop! We can’t wait for the next science week.

We have also been learning lots about 3D shape. We now know what a cylinder, cuboid, cube, cone and pyramids look like and we found out that 3D shapes are all around us. We also made lots of different buildings using 3D shapes. Hope you like them!

P1T 15th November 2013

We have now started practicing for our Nativity this week. It is getting us in the Christmas spirit!

On Tuesday we read the book ‘The Paper Dolls’ by Julia Donaldson. We all made paper dolls which was good fun! Look out for them outside our classroom.

We have also been learning about the police service as part of our topic. We took some finger prints and some of us enjoyed dressing up as a policeman/policewoman!

We also really enjoyed Primary 5’s assembly this morning. What great singers they are!

8th November – P1T

We are so happy with how our first assembly went this morning! We practised loads this week by learning our lines and our songs. Thank you for coming and we hope you enjoyed it!

Another exciting part of this week was learning number 10. We sang ’10 green bottles’ to help us count back from 10. Do you like our picture?