Please find below a copy of the September newsletter
Category Archives: Nursery
Shoe Shop
Can we remind all nursery parents who recieved a questionnaire to return them as soon as possible.
Kind Regards
Nursery Staff
P6 pupils will continue to run the Credit Union saving scheme this year. If you would like to join please ask any member of staff and you will be given an application form.
New Theme
We are starting the term with the theme ‘All About Me’. If you would like to provide your child with family photographs or information that can be shared and displayed it would be much appreciated.
Summer Safe
Nursery Rhymes
The nursery’s topic is nursery rhymes. They are learning about words that sound the same (e.g. jelly and belly)and this helps develop ‘phonological awarness’. We hope they will do well and work hard to learn words whichsound the same and have great fun learning about nursery rhymes. We are getting ready for Easter and we are planning some fun activities.
Nursery News
The nursery children have learning about dinosaurs, we have been learning names,we have been learning if they eat meat or plants and the habitats where they lived and all children have gained a lot of knowledge.The children have been playing in the nursery garden and soon we will be planting our vegetables.
Thank you to the parents and children we have so far almost £1000 raised during our sponsored obstacle course we have bought more outdoor equipment which will promote the children’s health and well being . We are busy working on mothers day cards and gifts. On Thursday 7 of march the children will dressing up from a book character.
We would like to thank Mrs Scott for giving up her time to share her musical talents with the Nursery.They all enjoyed it!
The nursery will set up a small display as part of the schools money week showcase on Friday the 22nd February.The children have shown interest in the value of coins, and of sharing their ideas on spending and saving.
Dates for Diary- 11th and 12th of Feb closed
End of Term- Thursday 28th March
As part of our Burns topic the children worked hard to learn three songs and took part in a mini scottish concert performed for parents and friends.
We are currently practising for our sponsered obstacle course in order to raise much needed funds for the nursery.
The nursery pupils had their very own book awards they had three books to choose from and voted for the one they liked best including Jack and the flumflum tree by Julia Donaldson, Solomon Crocodile by Catherine Raynor and The Day Louis Got Eaten by John Fardell the morning class and the afternoon class both voted for different books to win.
In the morning the winner was : Solomon Crocodile
In the afternoon the winner was : Jack and the Flumflum Tree
Nursery News
This week we have been enjoying learning about
different fruit and vegetables. We will be making
soup and fruit kebabs with the children.