Category Archives: Mrs Purdie

World Book Day


On Friday 6th Of March the whole school and nursery will attend an assembly to celebrate World Book day 2015.

All Pupils are invited to bring a copy of their favourite book to school and to dress up as their favourite character from that book. (Please note that the afternoon group in the nursery will celebrate this on Thursday 5th of March instead).

We look forward to celebrating the wonderful world of books with you all.


Happy New Year everyone!

We have had a great first week back at the start of 2014.  All pupils and staff are very excited about all the challenges set for the new term. The theme for our first school assembly was ‘Resolve to Respect’ . I also set a challenge for all the pupils for the month of January. I have asked the P1-3 pupils to draw a picture of their favourite story character and the P4-7 pupils  to design a front cover of their favourite book. Closing date for this is 27th January 2014. I look forward to seeing all the efforts made and will award prizes to the most original entries. At assembly I reminded the pupils of the need for indoor shoes and to remember PE kit on the appropriate days.

 I wish everyone a positive, productive and happy term!

October Holiday Week

Tickets are still on sale for the Halloween Disco on Thursday 31st October. Better get in there fast!

Our Money Fortnight Showcase was excellent with all classses presenting  their work. Many thanks to all who came along and special thanks to Miss McKenna and the RRS group for co-ordinating the whole event!

Have a lovely well-earned break and rest.  Mrs Purdie

4th October 2013

Good morning everyone. We have had a super week here at St John’s. Our Eco assembly this morning reminded the children about the importance of saving energy. The Eco group are doing a fantastic job!

Some pupils also read out poetry to mark National Poetry Day.  I would like to set you all a task! This will be to  find a Scottish poem you like and be able to recite (say) it at the assembly on the 29th November. I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Purdie’s Update

Jeans for Genes day is coming up on Friday the 20th of September. You can wear denim for £1!.  The Harvest Assembly is on the 27th of September, donations gratefully recieved for West Lothian food bank                                 

Christmas card entries to WLMIN to be in on Wednesday  18th of september .

Two pupils have been chosen to represent the school for the forth coming Episcopal Consecration of the most Reverend Leo Cushley on Saturday 21st of september in St Mary’s in Edinbrugh .

A Message From Mrs Purdie

After a lively summer break all pupils have settled well into the new school session especially the Primary One pupils. The Primary Seven buddies have taken on their roles exceptionally well and are a credit to the school. We welcome Miss Timmins to our school community and wish her a successful year in Primary One. Friendship week took place on Monday 26th – Friday 30th of August and it was lovely to see signs of positive behaviour throughout the school.