Category Archives: Eco Schools

Giant Sunflower competition

Our school and nursery have entered a  competition to see who can grow the highest sunflower in West Lothian.Our giant Russian sunflowers have been looked after at Oatridge College and we will be receiving our plant next week.We need a few volunteers to look after our sunflower and help  to grow it as tall as we can.We also need to keep a diary with photos to show the growing progress and our sunflower needs to be measured each week. If you would like to be involved ask your teacher and see Mrs McIlwraith.If any class wishes to work alongside this competition and learn more about planting and growing there are lots of resources available on Glow.

Eco Update- 27th March 2013


Time for the best energy saving ideas to be recognised.We offered a challenge back in November to post energy saving ideas. We had a number of very interesting posts…but the winning entry chosen by the Blog group is….

Carla Mancini from primary 5 who has water saving ideas on sharing bath water, trying to be as quick and efficient in the shower as possible and considering tryng to have an hour withour power once every week.Well done Carla!

Our next challenge is to define Biodiversity.I have received a number of efforts from primary 5,6 and 7 .


Please try these 10 simple energy saving ideas! 🙂

Eco Challenge

In the light of media coverage  concerning  rising cost of fuel bills it would be sensible for us all to be more aware of how we could save energy and money. This is responsibility for all.


Can you think of any innovative ways to save energy at home or in school? Post your ideas as a comment to this post.

 All children who comment will be awarded one house point and one overall winner will be chosen to receive a prize. Good luck!!!