Category Archives: Credit Union

St John’s Credit Union (P6)

Primary 6 are moving rapidly ahead with preparations for the school’s very own credit union.

We will be telling the whole school and our parents how this works at our class assembly next Friday 8th March at 9am. All P6 parents and families are invited to attend.

Application forms have now been handed in for the jobs available and we are eagerly waiting to find out who has been selected for interview.

Application forms will be given to all children following this assembly and the credit union will start in school after the Easter holidays.

More information to follow!

P6 – w/e 22.2.13

This week our class attended a basketball festival at Whitburn Community Centre. We were split into 3 teams and competed again teams from other schools. We did really well and we did the school proud!

For money week, we have been looking at the Cost of Living. We made money week menus and worked out the cost. We also looked at needs and wants.

As part of money, primary 6 are also working with Blackburn & Seafield Credit Union to start a credit union in the school. At the moment, we are applying for jobs and we will be launching the credit union at our class assembly on the 8th March. P6 parents are invited to this.

Money and Finance Week!!

This week the whole school took part in Money week, every class had a topic to do with money and finance!  There will be a showcase on the 22nd of February where the children will be showing off their learning.  Parents and Families can come along to see what their children have been learning about during money week!! There will also be a stall for A Credit Union which will be starting up in our school!!! 😀