Primary Five are excited to be back at school! We all had a lovely christmas and New Year and are ready to work hard. This week we have been reminding ourselves about what we learned before Christmas. We started our topic this week and are very excited to learn all about the rainforest.
All posts by Miss Laing
Primary 5 29.11.13 learning log
This week primary five have been creating a picture using pointilism. In maths we have started division! We know that we can use our understanding of times tables to help us divide. We also went a trip to the library to hear a Scottish story teller. We heard lots of interesting stories and riddles.
Primary 5 learning log 8.11.13
This week we have been practicing for our assembly which will take place on the 15th of November. We loved watching the Primary one’s assembly today, they all done so well! We had a great time in art this week, Mrs Hill came in and showed us how to use colour to draw a picture of a Scottish thistle. We used the computers to write diary entries as William Wallace, Robert the Bruce and King Edward.
P5 Learning log 1.11.13
This week we have learnt our 7 times table and have been practicing our 6,8 & 9 times tables. We have started learning about ways to collect and record data.
We wrote a letter to Harry Potter which was full of questions. We have begun planning our Christmas Fayre crafts.
Primary 5 Money week
This week primary 5 have been looking at £5,£10 and £20 notes. We have learnt how to give change from these amounts. We thought about things we would want and need for our school and created posters to show this. We loved learning about money and finance and look forward to seeing the other classes stalls.
P5 Learning log 11.10.13
This week we have been learning all about money and finance. We have learnt the difference between credits and debits and how theese affect Bank statements. We have used our skills in art and design to make representations of places to keep our money. We have learnt that we can pay with more than just cash, we learnt how to use credit cards, bank cards and vouchers. We wrote a diary about spending one million pounds! It’s more difficult than you think!
W.E: 4.9.13 P5
This week Primary 5 have been busy in maths, the circles have been lerning their 9 times table and the triangles have been learning their 3 & 4 times tables.
We have been designing shields for our topic and were discussing the qualities needed to make a good teacher. Come check out our display at the top of the stairs!
Primary 5 learning log 27.9.13
This week we have been learning about the Battle of Bannockburn. We have wrote newspaper reports and researched what happened.
We were learning about weapons used in The Battle of Bannockburn and made large English and Scottish sheilds.
In maths we have been focussing on our 6, 4 and 3 times tables, we are improving our confidence.
P5 weekly learning log
This week Primary 5 have been concentrating on our times tables, we have learnt that there are patterns within the tinmes tables. Our topic for this term is The Scottish wars of Independence, we have been learning about important figures in Scottish History and last week created our own life sized replicas. This week we have been learning about important battles such as the Battle of Bannockburn. We have enjoyed learning French with Mrs Nolan and look forward to the European day of Languages.
Primary 1L learning log 31.5.13
This week primary 1 have been learning about bees. We learnt that bees have 6 legs, 5 eyes, 4 wings,3 body parts, 2 antennae, 1 tongue and 1 sting!We made our own bees sing paper, scissors and glue. In maths we have been learning about taking away, we are getting quite good at ait!