Primary 1K – w/e 5th June 2015

We have been learning about Mini Beasts.

P1K Minibeasts

This is what Jessica had to say about what we have been learning…

We have been learning about how bees are born… they start off as an egg, then they come out as a wormy shape, then they go into a coccoon and then they come out as a bee! We have also been learning about how caterpillars turn into butterflies. We know that worms live in the soil and they help to make the soil nice and soft so it is good to have worms in your garden. Worms don’t like too much water because they could drown. It is also good to have ladybirds in your garden because they eat greenflies and greenflies eat your plants so ladybirds help to save your plants!


We can’t believe that we are nearly at the end of Primary 1. We are looking forward to going into Primary 2 and we can’t wait to find out who our new teacher is going to be!

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