Eco Challenge

In the light of media coverage  concerning  rising cost of fuel bills it would be sensible for us all to be more aware of how we could save energy and money. This is responsibility for all.


Can you think of any innovative ways to save energy at home or in school? Post your ideas as a comment to this post.

 All children who comment will be awarded one house point and one overall winner will be chosen to receive a prize. Good luck!!!

20 thoughts on “Eco Challenge”

  1. You could:
    Turn of the light when you go out the room
    Turn off the tap while you are brushing your teeth
    Have a shower instead of a bath
    Walk or cycle instead of going in the car
    Participate in Earth Hour

  2. You can:
    Turn the television off if you are not watching it
    Switch lights off when you don’t need them
    Only put heating on when it is cold
    Switch off plugs at the wall
    Don’t leave shower on stand by

  3. You could get a A3 peice of paper or sellotape four A4 sheets of paper togther or any card of paper you have and make a chart a chart wich shows everyone in your family’s names and there regular energy using appliances and then write rules like:Try to be in the shower for no more than 10 minutes and Try to make sure you only have 2 appliances on at the 1 time. This would keep you occupied during the Christmas holidays and help you save energy.

  4. you could insted of having your night light on turn it off if you dont need it of if you are in the bath switch of your telivison ,light,lamp,computers,and games that use electricity off . you could if you had a big family use the same bath water .

  5. You could….
    instead of watching TV you could turn a card board box into a puppet show.
    after you take a bath keep the water and wash your pet in it.
    read a book in the dark with a torch.

  6. acept playing any ps3 or xboxs or tele play a family game or have a cosy night without any electricity

  7. Walk to school or cycle DON’T USE A CAR ,re-use a water bottle,make something out of a cardboard box, use a torch instead of overhead lights.

  8. insted of throwing out things like cardboard boxes and things make a puppet theatre and watch the puppet show instead of television

  9. take house points of your teacher for not turning the smart board off get your mum to pick up 4 other kids so your not use as much petrol

  10. insted of putting your rubish in a normal bin you could buy a recyling bin and put your rubish in there.

  11. if you are turning lots of stuff on you can turn all of it off and run upstairs and turn it all off and only leave one thing on and for down stairs you can light a candle.

  12. wait till you have had your breakfast,lunch and dinner and then wash them all together
    one night a week try and take 1 hour with out power
    time yourself for 4 mins and go in the shower
    or if you prefer a bath then get the youngest person and then the next and so on to share the bath water
    and if its just one person and you have a pet then also wash your pet .

  13. When you go out to play turn off your xbox or any other games.If you are late for school istead of going in a car you can go on a scooter.

  14. we could try and swich all the light of tv of put all the cables and use a torch as a light then just sit at night and watch the stars see how many you can find or you could only watch tv serton amouts,weeks or days

  15. To heat you up in the morning get a hot drink and put a jumper on instead of putting the heating on

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