Term 1
Our topic this term in P5C is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. So far we have enjoyed looking at how and where chocolate is made, and finding out our favourite types of chocolate bar. we have also started reading the novel, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl and have began changing our classroom into a chocolate factory! What do you think of our factory entrance? Stay tuned for more updates!
We absolutely LOVED our Charlie topic and were sad when we had to take our Wonka Bar down! The door looks very bare without it! 🙁
Term 2
We have started our new topic, which is the Victorians! We are really enjoying learning about people from the past, and how different their lives are in comparison to ours! We certainly are glad we were born nowadays! We have now begun to look Christmas in Victorian times. We have learned lots of interesting things. Do you know where we got the idea for the Christmas Tree? Do you know who came up with the idea of sending a Christmas Card? We do!! Test our knowledge! 🙂 We are also going to be performing some Victorian Christmas Carols at the Christmas Show in a few weeks time! Hope to see you there! 🙂