All posts by Miss Ashenhurst
Camp 2013 part 5
Camp 2013 part 4
Camp 2013 part 3
Camp 2013 part 2
Camp 2013
There’s been a murder!!
We became detectives and solved the murder of Alexander III. We visited the crime scene and looked at the evidence. Many of the detectives believed that it was King Edward I that killed King Alexander III but it was actually the weather! Take a look at us making our detective hats and badges and visiting the scene of the crime.
Medieval Castle
As part of our William Wallace topic this term we took a closer look at medieval castles. We decided to turn out classroom into a castle.
We have been learning about directions in Maths. Mrs McIntosh had the pleasure of taking small groups around the school. One person was blindfolded and the rest of the group gave them directions using degree turns.