Let me introduce our Rights Respecting Schools Rep.
Hi, I am Finn the new RRS Rep. I have a hamster and a little brother Lewie (P3D). I like to play with my hamster and I like to go to Karate. I was really happy when I was chosen to be the rep.
Let me introduce our Rights Respecting Schools Rep.
Hi, I am Finn the new RRS Rep. I have a hamster and a little brother Lewie (P3D). I like to play with my hamster and I like to go to Karate. I was really happy when I was chosen to be the rep.
Hi, I’m Emma. I have a dog and a hamster. I like being in the garden and I always pick up my litter. I’m excited and happy to be the Eco Rep.
Meet our 3 violinists.
Emma and Adam have been going to Mr Rodden to learn violin since Primary 4. Mara was very lucky that there was a spare violin and now she is receiving lessons.
Murron’s mum said she was a ‘delight’ and her dad said she was his little princess. Awww!
Steven’s mum and dad said they are very proud of him because he tries very hard at school and he wants to make friends with everyone 🙂